Monday, January 27, 2020

5 Calming Crystals to Help Anxiety and Depression

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America ( “Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older every year...”
I have suffered with anxiety and depression since my teens. As a adult I know how hard it can be to work and handle daily life tasks while under the influence of a shit ton of medications. Some of the medications seem to make dealing with the diagnosis worse. I’ve taken medications that the side effects were so strong that I would rather just deal with laying in bed all day depressed. I started turning to crystals to help with my anxiety. I keep some on my body or in my purse. You can even keep some in your car or your work space. Here are 5 crystals that have helped me:

1. Black Tourmaline

This is a really good stone for empaths. It’s great for grounding and protects against negative energy and psychic attacks. You can also use this stone when working on your root chakra. The root chakra is responsible for your sense of security and safety. When this chakra is out of balance its common to experience anxiety. 

2. Amethyst 

A beautiful crystal this is one of my favorites! This is a calm crystal. It gives the person wearing it peace, inner strength, and balance. It also enhances psychic ability. Try meditating with a amethyst for at least 20 minutes. I always feel calmer after doing this. You can also keep one under your pillow for good dreams.

3. Blue Agate

This is great for mental clarity and concentration. Most people experience anxiety in a social setting when they are lacking self confidence. This stone helps build self confidence so it’s a great one to have in your collection. Also if you’re having trouble speaking out about your depression your throat chakra may be blocked it’s also a great stone for that chakra!

4. Rose Quartz

If you’re feeling down from a break up with your significant other this is the crystal to have. It helps heal the heart chakra and gets you out of that depressed funk. You can find nice rose quartz bracelets online from places like Etsy or Amazon. This crystal dissolves resentment and fears. It has a pleasant soft energy that brings nourishment, healing, and comfort.

5. Labradorite

This stone helps give you strength and will clear, balance, and protect your aura. It grounds spiritual energies and strengthens your intuition. It’s great for depression and is great to carry if you feel drained of your energy. It dispels anxiety, negativity, and fears.

There are many other things you can add to the use of your crystals as well. Mental illness has to be tackled in multiple ways not just one. Practice affirmations of confidence and safety. Get active and eat healthier exercising helps release endorphins and that helps fight anxiety and depression. Have some chamomile tea and a rest day. Whatever you do don’t let depression win reach out to a friend if needed and if not there’s always help available. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is open 24/7 call 1-800-273-8255 if you’re having suicidal thoughts.

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